Betta Fish Care Tips in Hindi

Betta Intendance Sail

betta splendens
Developed with and approved by a qualified veterinarian.


betta care sheet

Tabular array of Contents

  • Appearance & Beliefs
  • Characteristics
  • Habitat Size
  • Habitat Setup
  • Feeding
  • Care
  • Recommended Aquarium Mates
  • Common Health Issues
  • Recommended Supplies
  • FAQs

Typical betta appearance and behavior

Bettas are more often than not calm, dull-moving fish who practise not require as much infinite as many other fish. Bettas will "flare" fins when threatened or disturbed and to show aggression.

Male bettas will attack other male bettas, and males accept as well been known to assault like-looking fish and fish with flowing fins. Therefore, male bettas should non be housed together or with other species who have long fins.


Care Difficulty Skillful for beginner aquarists
Boilerplate Life Span iii-v years with proper intendance
Average Adult Size 2 1/2 inches long, non including tail
Nutrition Carnivore
Minimum Aquarium Size 1 gallon or larger
Water Temperature: 72-82°F


Betta fish habitat

Habitat size

  • Unmarried bettas- Continue in an appropriately sized aquarium, 1 gallon or larger. Bettas must exist able to breathe from the surface of the water. Because bettas are known to jump out of aquariums, there must be space at the acme of the aquarium beneath the lid for them to surface and breathe
  • Male bettas - Should exist kept individually and do best in habitats of 1 gallon or larger. Male person bettas can live successfully in a community aquarium of 10 gallons or larger that does not take aggressive fish (such as tiger barbs, gouramis or giant danios) or fish who bettas may become aggressive toward (such as fancy guppies)
  • Female bettas - May be housed with other community fish or other female bettas. If keeping a female betta sorority, a minimum of 15 gallons with numerous hiding places is recommended

Habitat setup

  • Filtration - Bettas adopt h2o with footling or no electric current, so gentle water filtration is all-time
  • Décor - Be sure aquarium décor is gratuitous of sharp edges that may injure a betta'southward fragile fins. Ensure there is some floating cover under which bettas can hide
  • Temperature - Use a heater to maintain h2o temperature between 72-82°F. If the temperature falls below 72°F, bettas may get less active and prone to infection
  • Water quality - Stable h2o quality (pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate) and temperature are critical to the health of aquatic life. If you are unsure of your water quality, bring a sample to Petco for free testing

Betta Fish Accessories



A well-balanced Betta diet consists of:

  • A diverseness of meat-based foods consisting of flakes, pellets, freeze-stale bloodworms, daphnia and frozen food to ensure consummate nutrition
  • Bloodworms and brine shrimp are favorite treats and should be fed in moderation to preclude obesity

Things to remember when feeding your betta:

  • Feed bettas one time a day to prevent overfeeding
  • Feed sparingly and no more than fish tin can eat in 1-two minutes; overfeeding can quickly foul the water, especially in smaller, unfiltered aquariums
  • Uneaten nutrient should be removed to prevent water from condign fouled
  • Thaw frozen foods earlier feeding
  • Baby bettas should be fed smaller pellets or finely crushed flake food

Betta fish care

Avert overcrowded weather condition, which are a major cause of stress and immune system suppression and tin increase chances of infection. Maintain good water quality with regular water changes.

  • Daily - Check filter, water temperature and other equipment (if used)
  • Weekly - Examination check h2o quality at least once a week. Change a 3rd of the water in unfiltered modest habitats (less than 2 gallons) one time to twice a week every three-4 days. In larger aquariums, change ten to 25% of the total volume of water every 2-4 weeks, or more often as needed
  • Monthly - Change the filter media cartridge at least once a calendar month and use only dechlorinated water for water changes

Male bettas must exist kept separately in individual aquariums or be the only betta in a community aquarium containing non aggressive fish (such equally tiger barbs, gouramis or behemothic danios). Female bettas can exist kept in a community aquarium. Do not go on male and female bettas together.

Betta fish wellness

Signs of a healthy betta

  • Active and alert
  • Eats regularly
  • Vibrant colors
  • Unfrayed fins
  • Reacts aggressively to outside stimulus

Red flags

  • Loss of color or appetite
  • Spots or mucus on trunk or mouth
  • Cloudy eyes
  • Elevated scales
  • Unnaturally frayed fins
  • Listlessness
  • Labored respirations
  • Erratic swimming
  • Weight loss
  • Bloating

Common betta health bug

Health Issue Symptoms or Causes Suggested Activity
Health Outcome Fin or tail rot Symptoms or Causes Frayed or disintegrating fins; the base of the fins ordinarily reddens or blackens. Suggested Action Improve water quality; add together aquarium salt; consult your local aquatic specialist or veterinary for handling.
Wellness Result Bacterial infections Symptoms or Causes Cloudy eyes, open sores and/or reddening of the peel. Suggested Activeness Improve water quality; use a commercial antibacterial remedy as directed.
Health IssueIch Symptoms or Causes White spots appear on fins and trunk; fish rubs against hard objects or swims erratically; rapid respiration. Suggested Activity Quarantine fish immediately; add freshwater aquarium salt and utilize a commercial ich remedy as directed.
Health IssueCottonmouth or Columnaris Symptoms or Causes Cottony white growths along the body and/or gills; frayed fins; gills plough dark-brown and necrotic in late stages. From bacterial infection. Suggested Action Quarantine fish; improve water quality; lower aquarium temperature to 72°F to deter leaner from growing; medicate as directed.
Health OutcomeDropsy Symptoms or Causes Swollen body; flaring of scales to make them wait like pinecones. Viral/bacterial/parasitic infection. Suggested Activeness Quarantine fish; improve h2o quality and consult your local aquatic specialist or aquatic veterinarian.
Health IssuePopeye Symptoms or Causes Bulging centre from poor water quality or bacterial infection. Suggested Activity Ameliorate water quality; use antibiotics as directed.
Health IssueSwim bladder disease Symptoms or Causes Floating on side; problems swimming. From overfeeding, constipation or bacterial infection. Suggested Action Decrease overfeeding; use antibiotics every bit directed.
Health IssueVelvet Symptoms or Causes Gilt/yellow discoloration looking like rust; rubbing on décor. From poor water quality or stress. Suggested Action Improve water quality; increase h2o temperature to 82°F; decrease stress. Quarantine fish immediately; add freshwater aquarium salt and utilise a commercial ich remedy as directed.


  • Appropriate size aquarium
  • Advisable food (dry and frozen)
  • Décor
  • Water conditioner
  • Net
  • Freshwater substrate
  • Filter
  • Heater
  • Freshwater aquarium salt


  • How long practise betta fish live? Bettas can live 3-5 years with proper care.
  • Can betta fish live with other fish? Male bettas must be kept separately in individual aquariums or be the simply betta in a community aquarium with other, non aggressive fish. Female bettas tin can be kept in a customs aquarium. Do not continue male and female bettas together.
  • How often should I feed my betta fish? Bettas should exist fed once a 24-hour interval, but what they tin can swallow in one-2 minutes. Uneaten food should be removed from the aquarium to foreclose it from negatively affecting the h2o quality.
  • How large do betta fish get? Bettas tin grow up to 21/2 inches long, not including their tail.
  • Can male and female betta fish live together? Keeping male person and female bettas together is not recommended, as they may tolerate each other simply can get aggressive and fight.
  • Why exercise betta fish fight? Betta fish fight to institute their territories and to fight over resources, including food, shelter and access to females.
  • Can you accept more than than ane betta fish in an aquarium? Male person bettas must be housed separately only can live successfully in a community aquarium of x gallons or larger that does not take aggressive fish (such every bit tiger barbs, gouramis or giant danios) or fish who bettas may become aggressive toward (such as fancy guppies). Female person bettas may be housed with other customs fish or other female person bettas. If keeping a female person betta sorority, a minimum of xv gallons with numerous hiding places is recommended.
  • Can I have ii female bettas together? Female person bettas are more tolerant of each other than males but often will fight in community aquariums if they are overcrowded. If keeping a female person betta sorority, a minimum of 15 gallons with numerous hiding places is recommended.

Boosted care sheets

  • Tetras
  • Platies
  • Rasboras

Notes and sources

Ask a Pet Care Heart associate about Petco's option of products bachelor for the intendance and happiness of your new pet. All products behave a 100% coin-dorsum guarantee.

Considering all aquatic life are potential carriers of infectious diseases such equally mycobacteria and salmonella, always wash your hands before and after handling your aquatic life or habitat contents to help prevent the potential spread of illness.

Meaning women, children under the age of 5, senior citizens and people with weakened immune systems should contact their medico before purchasing or caring for aquatic life and should consider having a pet other than aquatic life.

Become to for more than data about aquatic life and affliction.

Note: The information in this Care Sheet is not a substitute for veterinarian care. If you lot demand boosted information, contact your veterinarian.

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